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There are a lot of different kinds of sexual activities.


  • Touching or rubbing your own genitals for pleasure.
  • Masturbation is a good way to learn about what kinds of touch you enjoy.
  • Some people masturbate using sex toys, while others don’t.

Making out

  • Heavy kissing.

Hand job

  • Stimulating the penis of another person.


  • Stimulating the vulva of another person.


  • That involves the breast, buttocks, anus, or genitals of another person.

Oral sex

  • Sexual activities with the mouth and the genitals or anus.

Vaginal sex

  • Also known as “sexual intercourse” or “sex”.
  • Sexual activity involving the vagina.
  • A penis, fingers or sex toys can be used during vaginal sex.

Anal sex

  • Sexual activity involving the anus.
  • A penis, fingers or sex toys can be used during anal sex.


  •  Sending or receiving sexually explicit messages, photographs, or videos, primarily between mobile phones.

Phone sex

  • Describing sexual acts over the phone to or with other people.


  • Using computer technology to send sexual photos or watch someone masturbate.

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