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Always remember:

  • “No” means No.
  • Silence means No.
  • Drunk means No.
  • Stoned means No.
  • “I don’t know” means No.
  • Only “yes” means YES.
Consent is:
Freely given

No one has the right to pressure or force someone else into sexual activity. This is even true for sending nude photos, cybersex and sexting.

Just because a person says “yes” to a type of sexual activity doesn’t mean that they agree to everything.

A person can often change their mind during sex and want to stop. When this happens the activity has to end.

In Canada the legal age of consent is 16, but there are exceptions.

  • A 12- or 13-year-old can consent to sexual activity with a partner who is less than 2 years older.
    • However, there is no legal consent if the 12- or 13-year-old is dependent on the partner, or if the partner is abusing or taking advantage of the 12- or 13-year-old.
  • A 14- or 15-year-old can consent to sexual activity with a partner who is less than 5 years older.
    • However, there is no legal consent if the 14- or 15-year-old is dependent on the partner, or if the partner is abusing or taking advantage of the 14- or 15-year-old.

Times when consent is NOT legally possible.

  • A child under 12 years of age can NEVER give consent.
  • Consent cannot be given when a person is drunk, drugged, asleep, or passed out.
  • There cannot be legal consent when one person is under the age of 18 and the other is in a position of authority or trust—e.g., a coach or boss.
  • Even though the legal age of consent is 16, the age for sending nude images and cyber sex is 18. If a sex video or nude photo is created of someone who is under 18, it’s considered child pornography.

Sexual assault

Any sexual activity without consent is sexual assault.

Sexual assault includes, but is not limited to, unwanted:

  • oral sex;
  • vaginal sex;
  • anal sex;
  • touching;
  • kissing;
  • grabbing;
  • forcing another person to touch you; and
  • masturbating over another person.

People who have been sexually assaulted often feel embarrassed, guilty, or that it’s their fault.

It’s never the victim’s fault.

The person who committed the assault is at fault. No one has the right to force another person into any kind of sexual activity.

“No” always means NO. “Stop” always means STOP.

Most sexual assaults are not committed by strangers. It could be:

  • a friend;
  • a date;
  • a relative; or
  • an acquaintance.

Most of the time, assaults don’t happen in a dark alley. They happen:

  • on a date;
  • at a party;
  • in someone’s house; or
  • in your own home.

How to help a friend who has been sexually assaulted?

  • Believe them.
  • Remind them it’s not their fault.
  • Do not gossip about it.
  • Help them find treatment services (e.g., STI and pregnancy testing and counselling).
  • Be patient.
  • Find support for yourself too.

What can someone do if they have been sexually assaulted in Yukon?

  • If someone has been assaulted, they need to get medical and emotional help as soon as possible.
  • Early treatment can help prevent HIV infection, pregnancy, and address psychological trauma.
  • Testing within 24 hours can show if a date-rape drug was used in the assault.

Additional Resources in Yukon Include

For immediate help and treatment in Yukon:

Local RCMP, call 911

Whitehorse health centres, hospitals, and victim services:

  • Yukon Sexual Health Clinic
    406 Lambert Street
  • Yukon Communicable Disease Control (YCDC)
    #4 Hospital Road
    867-667-8323 or toll free 1-800-661-0408 ext. 8323
  • Kwanlin Dün First Nation Health Centre
    53 crescent
  • Whitehorse Health Centre
    9010 Quartz Road
    867-667-8864 or toll free 1-800-661-0408 ext. 8864
  • Whitehorse General Hospital emergency
    5 Hospital Road
    Emergency: 911
  • Women's Transition Home
    [email protected] 
    867-633-7720 or 867-668-5733 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week)
  • Victim Services in Whitehorse

Rural Yukon health centres

  • Beaver Creek Health Centre: 867-862-4444
  • Carcross Health Centre: 867-821-4444
  • Carmacks Health Centre: 867-863-4444
  • Dawson City Health Centre: 867-993-4300
  • Destruction Bay Health Centre: 867-841-4444
  • Faro Health Centre: 867-994-4444
  • Haines Junction Health Centre: 867-634-4444
  • Mayo Health Centre: 867-996-4444
  • Old Crow Health Centre: 867-966-4444
  • Pelly Crossing Health Centre: 867-537-4444
  • Ross River Health Centre: 867-969-4444
  • Teslin Health Centre: 867-390-4444
  • Watson Lake Health Centre: 867-536-5255

Rural Yukon hospitals

  • Dawson City Community Hospital emergency
    501 6th Avenue
  • Watson Lake Community Hospital emergency
    817 Ravenhill Drive

Rural Yukon emergency shelters and Victim Services

Dawson City

  • Dawson City Women’s Shelter
    [email protected] 
    867-993-5086 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week)
  • Victim Services 867-993-5831

Watson Lake

  • Help and Hope for Families transition home/women’s shelter
    [email protected] 
    867-536-7233 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week)
  • Victim Services 867-536-2541

For counselling from anywhere in Canada:

  • Kid Help Phone 
    1-800-668-6868 (phone 24 hours a day, 7 days a week)
    68-68-68 (text 24 hours a day, 7 days a week)
  • VictimLink BC and Yukon
    1-800-563-0808 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week)
Perpetrators, the person who commits the assault, have often been victims of sexual assault themselves and may benefit from counselling.

Ask Us

If you have any questions about the Better to Know program, please email [email protected],

or call (867) 332-6895.