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Common STIs

Common STIs

Bacterial STIs


  • Passed during vaginal, oral, and anal sex with an infected partner.
  • Left untreated it damages the brain, heart, nervous system, and can lead to death.
  • A blood test is used to diagnose and syphilis can be cured with antibiotics.
  • Symptoms:
    • A painless sore in the genital or anus area or in your mouth
    • Fever
    • Rash
    • Swollen glands 

Congenital Syphilis

  • Occurs when the infection is passed from a pregnant person to the developing fetus during pregnancy or at delivery. It can cause very serious health issues including stillbirth, death after birth or severe long term health conditions.
  • You can be treated during pregnancy or after birth. In most situations early diagnosis and treatment can reduce the risk of severe outcomes.
  • If you are pregnant see a health care provider as soon as you can.


syphilis infographic
Data showing syphilis infection rate since Jan 1 2022


Chlamydia and Gonorrhea

  • Most common STI in Yukon.
  • Passed during vaginal, anal, or oral sex with an infected partner.
  • Left untreated these can damage the reproductive organs.
  • A urine test is used to diagnose, and if caught early, it’s cured with antibiotics.


Viral STIs

Hepatitis B

  • Passed during vaginal, oral, or anal sex with an infected partner.
  • Can be transmitted when using infected needles.
  • If left untreated it damages the liver.
  • A blood test is used to diagnose and it’s treated with antiviral medication.
  • Can be prevented by vaccinations.

Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)

  • Very common and has several strains.
  • Passed during vaginal, anal, or oral sex with an infected partner.
  • Depending on the strain it can cause certain cancers or genital warts.
  • A visual exam or cervical swab are used to diagnose.
  • The type of HPV will determine the kind of treatment.
  • Some strains of HPV can be prevented by vaccinations.

Herpes simplex virus (HSV)

  • Very common and classified as an STI, but is easily passed through casual skin to skin contact (e.g., a kiss on the cheek) or during vaginal, anal, and oral sex with an infected partner.
  • Symptoms include an outbreak of sores on the genitals or mouth.
  • The emotional impact of herpes is often much worse than the condition and it doesn’t deserve the upset it causes.
  • Antiviral medications help reduce the severity of outbreaks.

Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)

  • Passed during anal, vaginal, and oral sex with an infected partner.
  • It can also be passed through childbirth, breastfeeding, or by sharing infected needles.
  • HIV weakens the body’s immune system.
  • A blood test is done to diagnose and it can be treated with antiviral medication.
  • If untreated, HIV leads to Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS).
  • AIDS occurs when the immune system is so badly damaged that it becomes vulnerable to common infections like the flu. AIDS eventually leads to death.

Parasitic STIs

Pubic Lice

  • Passed through genital contact with an infected partner or by sharing infected linens and bedding (although this is rare).
  • Symptoms include very itchy genitals.
  • Cured with medicated shampoo.


  • Caused by a protozoal infection in the vagina or urethra.
  • Is passed through penis-to-vagina or vulva-to-vulva sex.
  • A vaginal swab or urine test are used to diagnose.
  • Can be cured with antibiotics.

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